Maya the plucky bee returns in a charming Australian animated adventure from the team behind Blinky Bill the Movie. Justine Clarke and Richard Roxburgh star in the Australian Premiere of this loveable tale of derring-do for ages three and up.
Bubbly Maya (voiced by Coco Jack Gillies – Oddball, Mad Max: Fury Road) is set a challenge when she accidentally embarrasses the Empress of Buzztropolis. The little bee must win the prestigious Honey Games to save her hive’s honey harvest. With her best friend Willi (Benson Jack Anthony) beside her, she meets her ragtag team, including old friends Arnie and Barnie (David Collins and Shane Dundas of The Umbilical Brothers). She also encounters a jealous becalled Violet, who’s determined her team will comeout on top. Maya eventually learns how to get the best from her insect crew, with a little advice from Flip (Richard Roxburgh) and his band, and Justine Clark as the wise Queen Bee.
Classification: G – General
Distributor: Studio Canal
Dates & Times:
Friday 12 October 2018 at 10:15am
Saturday 13 October 2018 at 10:15am
Ticket, popcorn and drink package includes a standard popcorn and a choice of drink (soft drink, Fruit Box Popper or Juice) from Riverside’s Bar